How to add a Custom Link to a Menu with a URL that is relative to the blog URL

Part of my work is to create WordPress websites. I usually work on my laptop until I have something good enough to be uploaded to the test server where the client reviews it.

I create a VirtualHost for every new project so I’m always working with a WordPress installation in a domain that looks like, but when the site is uploaded to the test server (not controlled by me), the domain may end being something like

The problem is that if I add a custom link to a menu that points to, for example, /events/, it would work fine locally creating a link to, but in the test server, the link will point to http://testserver/events/, which is obviously not right.
What I want is to give the custom link an URL that would work both on my local environment and the test server.

I already handle the problem of changing the home and siteurl WordPress options by:

  • changing those settings on the local database
  • creating a dump of the database
  • update the database on the server
  • restoring the local options.

I don’t want to use full URLs for the custom links and having to replace those with the server URL every time I need to update the server’s database.

For links inside the post content, there is a plugin that solves the problem adding two shortcodes:, but I haven’t been able to find something similar for Custom Links.


I was also looking for a solution for this and I found simple one.

This is what you need to place into the URL field:


enter image description here

It works just fine!

Best Regards

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