I have used a plugin called Amazon product in a post. It works okay with posts type. It adds custom fields in the posts page. But, I have made another custom post type called products. It does not work with that. I want the custom field appear in Products post type.
I have used few suggestions.
Adding plugin in custom posts type but it did not work for me.
I have googled, tried several plugins but none of these seems to work. Can anyone suggest me another plugin or any other way to solve my purpose. What I want to do is, add amazon selected books to my website, in my custom post type pages. I have tried adding
global $appipBulidBox;
add_action('admin_menu', create_function("$appipBulidBox",
"if( function_exists( 'add_meta_box' ))add_meta_box( 'amazonProductInAPostBox1',
__( 'Amazon Product In a Post Settings', 'appplugin' ), 'amazonProductInAPostBox1', $custom_post_type, 'normal', 'high' );"));
But It did not seem to work.
Thanks in advance