Hey am new to WP development, can any one tell me how to add request headers in wp_remote_get() or wp_remote_post() remote api calls.

I tried the following but didnt work

    $response = wp_remote_get( add_query_arg( array(
        'Affiliate-Id' => XXXXX,
        'Affiliate-Token'     => XXXXX
    ), $api_url ) , array( 'timeout' => 10));


If you want to send Affiliate-Id and Affiliate-Token in headers then you need to pass them in the optional arguments of wp_remote_get function.


$response = wp_remote_get( $api_url ,
             array( 'timeout' => 10,
            'headers' => array( 'Affiliate-Id' => XXXXX,
                               'Affiliate-Token'=> XXXXX ) 

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