I want to create a REST API endpoint for a wordpress site where I can get a JSON response for different queries. I have tried the tutorial here, but I cant seem to figure out how it works. Do I need to register all the query variables to use them? Also I think it would be best to use the add_rewrite_endpoint
but I have not used any of this before. So I would like to know how to use that function in the code below.
I want to send a query like <url>/wp-api/version
where it will return the wordpress version number. But right now its not taking any queries other than ‘pugs’. I am not sure what exactly is going on with the regex so I didn’t change that. Can someone please help me understand this?
class WP_API_Endpoint{
// Hook WordPress
public function __construct(){
add_filter('query_vars', array($this, 'add_query_vars'), 0);
add_action('parse_request', array($this, 'sniff_requests'), 0);
add_action('init', array($this, 'add_endpoint'), 0);
Add public query vars
@param array $vars List of current public query vars
@return array $vars
public function add_query_vars($vars){
$vars[] = '__wp-api';
$vars[] = 'pugs';
return $vars;
// Add API Endpoint
public function add_endpoint(){
Sniff Requests
This is where we hijack all API requests
If $_GET['__api'] is set, we kill WP and serve our data
@return die if API request
public function sniff_requests(){
global $wp;
protected function get_wp_version() {
return get_bloginfo('version');
// This is where we handle incoming requests
protected function handle_request(){
global $wp;
$pugs = $wp->query_vars['pugs'];
$this->send_response('wp-version', $this->get_wp_version());
$this->send_response('Something went wrong with the pug bomb factory');
// This sends a JSON response to the browser
protected function send_response($key, $val){
$response[$key] = $val;
header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($response)."\n";
new WP_API_Endpoint();