I’m trying to add languages to my wordpress driven website and i installed xili-languages plugin. Unfortunately it uses lang param to differentiate between languages and i rather have seen something like http://domain.com/cn/article-in-chinese/ rather than http://domain.com/article-in-chinese/?lang=cn
2 Answers
Set permalink to (Post Name)
Add following code to functions.php
of your theme:
add_filter ( 'alias_rule', 'xili_language_trans_slug_qv' ) ;
function xl_permalinks_init () {
global $XL_Permalinks_rules;
if (class_exists('XL_Permalinks_rules') ) {
$XL_Permalinks_rules = new XL_Permalinks_rules ();
add_permastruct ( 'language', '%lang%', true, 1 );
add_permastruct ( 'language', '%lang%', array('with_front' => false) );