Can we change the title and alt attributes of the_post_thumbnails and set them to post title instead ? like creating a function for it and adding a filter ? I tried searching but I can’t seem to find what I want.
and thanks in advance.
Can we change the title and alt attributes of the_post_thumbnails and set them to post title instead ? like creating a function for it and adding a filter ? I tried searching but I can’t seem to find what I want.
and thanks in advance.
Look at this
second argument in this function you can set a few set fields, such as alt, title, source and class:
$default_attr = array(
'src' => $src,
'class' => "attachment-$size",
'alt' => trim(strip_tags( wp_postmeta->_wp_attachment_image_alt )),
'title' => trim(strip_tags( $attachment->post_title )),