How to change the naming of the resized image files

Now with custom image sizes WordPress is almost as powerful as timThumb / phpThumb. There is one problem however. The way WordPress handles the resized images are chaotic and doesn’t survive theme changes / image size changes.

The problem is that wordpress names the files like: image-600x400.jpg, instead of naming them image-medium.jpg or image-custom.jpg.

Is it possible to override this behaviour? It would finally make WordPress manage image sizes perfectly! You would just need to regenerate your thumbnails with any regenerator plugin, but your URL’s would all work! (Also the size information should be removed from the posts.)

1 Answer

You can use the filter hook sanitize_file_name for change the string. But I have no knowing about the check for the size image, but you get the string and can check for the values inside the string.

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