First of all it’s not a duplicate as in How to change the background color of android status bar
How do I change the status bar color which should be same as in navigation bar.
I want the status bar color to be same as the navigation bar color
First of all it’s not a duplicate as in How to change the background color of android status bar
How do I change the status bar color which should be same as in navigation bar.
I want the status bar color to be same as the navigation bar color
Android 5.0 Lollipop introduced Material Design theme which automatically colors the status bar based on the colorPrimaryDark
value of the theme.
Note by realdognose: with Material Design library it will be
This is supported on device pre-lollipop thanks to the library support-v7-appcompat starting from version 21. Blogpost about support appcompat v21 from Chris Banes
Read more about the Material Theme on the official Android Developers website