How to check for changes on remote (origin) Git repository

What are the Git commands to do the following workflow?


I cloned from a repository and did some commits of my own to my local repository. In the meantime, my colleagues made commits to the remote repository. Now, I want to:

  1. Check whether there are any new
    commits from other people on the
    remote repository, i.e. origin?

  2. Say there were three new commits on the
    remote repository since my last
    pull, I would like to diff the
    remote repository’s commits, i.e.
    HEAD~3 with HEAD~2, HEAD~2 with
    HEAD~1 and HEAD~1 with HEAD.

  3. After knowing what changed remotely,
    I want to get the latest commits
    from the others.

My findings so far

For step 2: I know the caret notation HEAD^, HEAD^^ etc. and the tilde notation HEAD~2, HEAD~3, etc.

For step 3: That is, I guess, just a git pull.

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