I don’t normally work in wordpress, having hard time finding a lot of things.

I added one line of custom php to a template file in child theme, and i forgot a semi colon. Now the site will not load and is stuck loading forever. Most of the time when this happens to me in Drupal, i simply re-save the file and refresh; wordpress doesn’t work like this apparently..

Where is the default WordPress caching saved and which file(s) do I remove/edit to force WP to clear it’s caches? I cannot access the website whatsoever, it wont load. The only access i have is FTP. If I cannot just delete the cache, what options do I have in the current situation im in?

1 Answer

WordPress has no native page source output caching. In vanilla installation changes to templates should show up immediately.

If that doesn’t happen there are several possible reasons:

  • there is static page cache plugin installed, which serves stale version (the specific implementation of cache would depend on a plugin);
  • there is a caching layer between the site and internet, such as reverse proxy provided by hosting;
  • site has HTTP headers configured in a way that causes browser (or possibly proxy server in route) to cache overly aggressively;
  • PHP has opcode cache installed (which is good/normal) and is configured to cache it aggressively/longer (uncommon), which might cause it to ignore PHP source changes in file for a while.

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