I’m building a Innerblocks block template (in PHP) with the following syntax:

$template = [
          'level' => 1,
          'content' => 'Example Heading.',
          'align' => 'center'
          'text' => 'Button 1',
          'align' => 'center',
          'style' => 'outline', // <-- this doesn't work

It mostly works as expected, but I can’t determine the syntax to use (or if it is even supported) to define the blocks’ style. For example, I would like the Button to use the “Outline” style instead of its default “Fill” style. I’ve tried as shown above, and also tried something like: styles => ['name' => 'outline'] to echo the structure of the core/buttons object, but neither work.

1 Answer

I can’t determine the syntax to use (or if it is even supported) to
define the blocks’ style. For example, I would like the Button to use
the “Outline” style instead of its default “Fill” style.

Yes it’s supported and the syntax is quite easy.

Excerpt from the block styles documentation:

Block Styles allow alternative styles to be applied to existing
blocks. They work by adding a className to the block’s wrapper. This
className can be used to provide an alternative styling for the
block if the block style is selected. See the Getting Started with
for a full example.


wp.blocks.registerBlockStyle( 'core/quote', {
  name: 'fancy-quote',
  label: 'Fancy Quote',
} );

The example above registers a block style named fancy-quote to the
core/quote block. When the user selects this block style from the
styles selector, an is-style-fancy-quote className will be added to
the block’s wrapper.

So you would just need to add className with the value is-style-<style name> to the template attributes like so for the core/button block and the Outline style (is-style-outline):

        'text'      => 'Button 1',
        'align'     => 'center',
        'className' => 'is-style-outline', // add is-style-<style name> to the class list

Tried & tested working in WordPress 5.8.1 — see style.scss for other core styles like is-style-squared. (that link, however, is for the “master” branch in the GitHub repo, so the styles there may not yet available in the current WordPress release)


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