I want to build an alert for users who visit my WordPress blog. Is there a conditional function like is_home()
to detect if someone visits the blog the first time? I want to send the alert to every new user no matter on which site he entered.
2 Answers
No, there’s nothing in the core like that.
You can set a cookie and do it simply enough (warning: untested code follows).
function is_first_time()
if (isset($_COOKIE['_wp_first_time']) || is_user_logged_in()) {
return false;
// expires in 30 days.
setcookie('_wp_first_time', '1', time() + (WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 4), "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/", $domain);
return true;
if (is_first_time()) {
// it's the user's first time, do stuff!
Just make sure you have output buffering turned on or use that before anything gets sent to the screen to make sure the cookie gets set.