Every time I create a new site under 3.1, my first trip is to the Users > Admin User profile page to uncheck the “admin bar” checkbox.

I’d like to place a script in my theme’s functions.php to do this automatically.

Anyone know what that would be?

4 Answers

You could use a function inside your theme’s functions file to selectively disable it for specific users.

function disable_bar_for_user( $ids ) {

    if( !is_user_logged_in() )

    global $current_user;

    if( is_numeric( $ids ) )
        $ids = (array) $ids;

    if( !in_array( $current_user->data->ID, $ids ) )

    add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false', 9 );

Then call it for the user or users you want to disable the bar for..

Single user:


Multiple users:


If you want to just turn it off altogether, then the following should do it(instead of the function).

add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false', 9 );

Hope that helps.. 🙂

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