I want to display only 3 categories (Ex: horses, dogs, birds), names only and comma separated, in my Post, since one of them, two or all tree are marked in the post.

if ( 'in_category('horses') ) {
    echo "horses";
} ?></span><span><?php
if ( in_category('dogs') ) {
    echo "dogs";
} ?></span><span><?php
if ( in_category('birds') ) {
    echo "birds";

4 s

It should be enough using a single <span> for all categories and add some logic.:

$categories = ['horses','dogs','birds'];
$string = "";

foreach ($categories as $category){ //iterate over the categories to check
        $string .= $category.", "; //if in_category add to the output

$string = trim($string); //remove extra space from end
$string = rtrim($string, ','); //remove extra comma from end
echo $string; //result example: <span>horses, dogs</span>


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