I have a small utility that I use to download an MP3 file from a website on a schedule and then builds/updates a podcast XML file which I’ve added to iTunes.
The text processing that creates/updates the XML file is written in Python. However, I use wget inside a Windows .bat
file to download the actual MP3 file. I would prefer to have the entire utility written in Python.
I struggled to find a way to actually download the file in Python, thus why I resorted to using wget
So, how do I download the file using Python?
One more, using urlretrieve
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("http://www.example.com/songs/mp3.mp3", "mp3.mp3")
(for Python 2 use import urllib
and urllib.urlretrieve
Yet another one, with a “progressbar”
import urllib2
url = "http://download.thinkbroadband.com/10MB.zip"
file_name = url.split("https://stackoverflow.com/")[-1]
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
f = open(file_name, 'wb')
meta = u.info()
file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size)
file_size_dl = 0
block_sz = 8192
while True:
buffer = u.read(block_sz)
if not buffer:
file_size_dl += len(buffer)
status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size)
status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1)
print status,