In WP 3.4.x and earlier, it was possible to add a button to the media manager by messing around in an attachment_fields_to_edit filter. For example, a plugin could, when it figured out that an item was an audio file, append some HTML for an extra button to the url field, like so.

 $playertag = "";
 $fields['url']['html'] .= 
      "<button type="button" class="button data-link-url="$playertag' urlaudioplayer audio-player-$postid'>Audio Player</button>"; 

The new media manager has changed the set of buttons that were in that html tag into a pulldown menu — a <select .../> item. The html code is emitted in media-template.php. The new code still calls attachment_fields_to_edit filters, but doesn’t pass in any fields.

Is there a way to extend this select item without hacking the core (which I won’t do). Is it conceivable to write a bit of js which will use jQuery to add an item to it?

1 Answer

Yes, it’s possible in the same manner as before. I don’t know why you think the filter is not passing the parameters anymore.

add_filter('attachment_fields_to_edit', 'user16975_edit_fields', 10, 2);
function user16975_edit_fields($form_fields, $attachment){

    // check for an audio attachment
    if ( substr($attachment->post_mime_type, 0, 5) == 'audio' ) {
        $playertag =  $playertag = "";
        $form_fields["audioplayer"] = array(
            "label" => "Audio player",
            "input" => "html",
            "html" => "<button type="button" class="button" data-link-url="$playertag" audioplayer="audio-player-{$attachment->ID}">Audio Player</button>",

    return $form_fields;

Here is the result :

Audio player button

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