I’m working on the website which is using contact form 7 and in that form they are using shortcode to display their own number, like so:

<fieldset class="precallback">
<legend class="top-section">Ring til os</legend>
<ul class="formlist">
<li class="textonly">Vita 34's kundeservice besvarer alle spørgsmål om stamceller fra navlesnoren. Vi ringer også gerne til dig i vores kontortid.<br />Rådgivning fra mandag til fredag 09.00 - 15.00<br />
<li class="textonly">Ja, ring venligst tilbage</li></ul>

But I just can’t find where that [klickbarestelefon] comes from. I searched the whole admin panel, and database but couldn’t find the output of it. Is there a way to find and change the output of this shortcode?

1 Answer

If you have FTP access (or the WordPress files) go to wp-content and search within that folder for a file that contains klickbarestelefon. You will find the file where the shortcode was created.

You add shortcodes on WordPress using this syntax:

add_shortcode("shortcode_name", "function_name")

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