I’m converting an app to use fragments using the compatibility library.
Now currently I have a number of activities (A B C D) which chain onto one another, D has a button ‘OK’ which when pressed calls finish which then bubbles up through onActivityResult() to additionally destroy C and B.

For my pre Honycomb fragment version each activity is effectively a wrapper on fragments Af Bf Cf Df. All activities are launched via startActivityForResult() and onActivityResult() within each of the fragments can happily call getActivity().finish()

The problem that I am having though is in my Honeycomb version I only have one activity, A, and fragments Bf, Cf, Df are loaded using the FragmentManager.

What I don’t understand is what to do in Df when ‘OK’ is pressed in order to remove fragments Df, Cf, and Bf?

I tried having the fragment popping itself off the stack but this resulted in an exception. onActivityResult() is useless because I have not loaded up the fragment using startActivityForResult().

Am I thinking about this completely the wrong way? Should I be implementing some sort of listener that communicates with either the parent fragment or activity in order to do the pop using the transaction manager?

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