I have a custom post estate_property
and its has taxonomies property_category
.I have installed WPCustom Category Image
to upload image for each category of taxonomies. How to display the uploaded image .I search for it but failed to display image
My code is
$asd=get_the_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy_name);
it returns nothing .Help please
From the details page of the WPCustom Category Image Plug-in : https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wpcustom-category-image
1st – Go to Wp-Admin -> Posts(or post type) -> Categories (or taxonomy) to see Custom Category Image options.
2nd …depending on whether you want to show a single category image or display several in a loop –
echo do_shortcode('[wp_custom_image_category onlysrc="https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpcustom-category-image/false" size="full" term_id="123" alt="alt :)"]');
foreach( get_categories(['hide_empty' => false]) as $category) {
echo $category->name . '<br>';
echo do_shortcode(sprintf('[wp_custom_image_category term_id="%s"]',$category->term_id));
In addition there is an example category template here –