I have shifted myself from Eclipse to Android Studio. Now I am trying to work on my Map app. So I need my SHA-1 fingerprint certificate number.

When I was using Eclipse it was right under Windows -> Preferences -> Android -> Build. But in Android Studio I couldn’t find out any option like this so that I could find easily the fingerprint. I am using Windows. I have read from this link that:

Android Studio signs your app in debug mode automatically when you
run or debug your project from the IDE.

So I tried to run this in command line after setting my Java bin path from this link and unfortunately couldn’t find my fingerprint. It is saying that it is an illegal option.

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

Is there a way to find the SHA-1 fingerprint from Android Studio like it was very easy in Eclipse? As I am newbie in Android Studio, what is the full process to find it?

Another thing I want to add is that I have my Eclipse generates the SHA-1 fingerprint and previously I have my app registered on that fingerprint in Google developer console, and I worked on that app in Eclipse by that API key. Is the same API key can be worked on this my project in Android Studio?

44 s

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