I have split my post content into mutiple pages using the <! - nextpage -> code. I want to give my paginated links their own title instead of the regular 1,2,3. How can I do this? cause on this doc https://codex.wordpress.org/Styling_Page-Links it only mentions method to adding suffix or prefix. I just want to give each paged number their own custom title


Here’s a way to support pagination titles of the form:


in a simlar way as the core supports <!--more(.*?)?-->.

Here’s an example:

<!--nextpage Planets -->
Let's talk about the Planets
<!--nextpage Mercury -->
Exotic Mercury
<!--nextpage Venus-->
Beautiful Venus
<!--nextpage Earth -->
Our Blue Earth
<!--nextpage Mars -->
The Red Planet

with the output similar to:

Pagination titles

This was tested on the Twenty Sixteen theme, where I had to adjust the padding and width a little bit:

.page-links a, .page-links > span {
    width:   auto;
    padding: 0 5px;

Demo plugin

Here’s a demo plugin that uses the content_pagination, wp_link_pages_link, pre_handle_404 and wp_link_pages_args filters to support this extenstion of the nextpage marker (PHP 5.4+):

 * Plugin Name: Content Pagination Titles
 * Description: Support for &lt;!--nextpage(.*?)?--&gt; in the post content
 * Version:     1.0.1
 * Plugin URI:  http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/227022/26350

namespace WPSE\Question202709;

add_action( 'init', function()
    $main = new Main;
} );

class Main
    private $pagination_titles;

    public function init()
        add_filter( 'pre_handle_404',       [ $this, 'pre_handle_404' ],        10, 2       );
        add_filter( 'content_pagination',   [ $this, 'content_pagination' ],    -1, 2       );
        add_filter( 'wp_link_pages_link',   [ $this, 'wp_link_pages_link' ],    10, 2       );
        add_filter( 'wp_link_pages_args',   [ $this, 'wp_link_pages_args' ],    PHP_INT_MAX );

    public function content_pagination( $pages, $post )
        // Empty content pagination titles for each run
        $this->pagination_titles = [];

        // Nothing to do if the post content doesn't contain pagination titles
        if( false === stripos( $post->post_content, '<!--nextpage' ) )
            return $pages;

        // Collect pagination titles
        preg_match_all( '/<!--nextpage(.*?)?-->/i', $post->post_content, $matches );
        if( isset( $matches[1] ) )
            $this->pagination_titles = $matches[1];     

        // Override $pages according to our new extended nextpage support
        $pages = preg_split( '/<!--nextpage(.*?)?-->/i', $post->post_content );

        // nextpage marker at the top
        if( isset( $pages[0] ) && '' == trim( $pages[0] ) )
            // remove the empty page
            array_shift( $pages );
        // nextpage marker not at the top
            // add the first numeric pagination title 
            array_unshift( $this->pagination_titles, '1' );
        return $pages;

    public function wp_link_pages_link( $link, $i )
        if( ! empty( $this->pagination_titles ) )
            $from  = '{{TITLE}}';
            $to    = ! empty( $this->pagination_titles[$i-1] ) ? $this->pagination_titles[$i-1] : $i;
            $link  = str_replace( $from, $to, $link );

        return $link;

    public function wp_link_pages_args( $params )
        if( ! empty( $this->pagination_titles ) )
            $params['next_or_number'] = 'number';
            $params['pagelink'] = str_replace( '%', '{{TITLE}}', $params['pagelink'] );
        return $params;

     * Based on the nextpage check in WP::handle_404()
    public function pre_handle_404( $bool, \WP_Query $q )
        global $wp;

        if( $q->posts && is_singular() )
            if ( $q->post instanceof \WP_Post ) 
                $p = clone $q->post;

            // check for paged content that exceeds the max number of pages
            if (   $p 
                 && false !== stripos( $p->post_content, $next ) 
                 && ! empty( $wp->query_vars['page'] ) 
            ) {
                $page = trim( $wp->query_vars['page'], "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/" );
                $success = (int) $page <= ( substr_count( $p->post_content, $next ) + 1 );

                if ( $success )
                    status_header( 200 );
                    $bool = true;
        return $bool;

} // end class

Installation: Create the /wp-content/plugins/content-pagination-titles/content-pagination-titles.php file and activate the plugin. Always a good idea to backup before testing any plugin.

If the top nextpage marker is missing, then the first pagination title is numeric.

Also if a content pagination title is missing, i.e. <!--nextpage-->, then it will be numeric, just as expected.

I first forgot about the nextpage bug in the WP class, that shows up if we modify the number of pages via the content_pagination filter. This was recently reported by @PieterGoosen here in #35562.

We try to overcome that in our demo plugin with a pre_handle_404 filter callback, based on the WP class check here, where we check for <!--nextpage instead of <!--nextpage-->.


Here are some further tests:

Test #1

Let's talk about the Planets
Exotic Mercury
Beautiful Venus
Our Blue Earth
The Red Planet

Output for 1 selected:


as expected.

Test #2

Let's talk about the Planets
Exotic Mercury
Beautiful Venus
Our Blue Earth
The Red Planet

Output for 5 selected:


as expected.

Test #3

Let's talk about the Planets
<!--nextpage Mercury-->
Exotic Mercury
Beautiful Venus
<!--nextpage Earth -->
Our Blue Earth
<!--nextpage Mars -->
The Red Planet

Output for 3 selected:


as expected.

Test #4

Let's talk about the Planets
<!--nextpage Mercury-->
Exotic Mercury
<!--nextpage Venus-->
Beautiful Venus
<!--nextpage Earth -->
Our Blue Earth
<!--nextpage Mars -->
The Red Planet

Output with Earth selected:


as expected.


Another way would be to modify it to support pagination titles to be added with:

<!--pt Earth-->

It might also be handy to support a single comment for all pagination titles (pts):

<!--pts Planets|Mercury|Venus|Earth|Mars -->

or perhaps via custom fields?

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