I’d like to start by saying that I wasn’t sure if this was the right place to post this question, so if it isn’t please point me in the right direction.
Ok, so I have a GitHub webhook that is triggered whenever there’s a commit comment and I can’t figure out how to handle it in my WordPress website. I won’t go into detail of what I want to do with it because first I have to receive a response from the webhook.
In the GitHub webhook settings I set the Payload URL to mywpsite.com/github.php
where github.php is a file I created to handle the request. I tried to see if I was actually receiving anything by doing
if(!empty($_POST)) {
echo "There is something here!";
echo "</br>";
function printArray($array){
foreach ($array as $key => $value){
echo "$key => $value";
if(is_array($value)){ //If $value is an array, print it as well!
} else {
echo "There is nothing here :(";
} ?>
but I always get There is nothing here :(
which means I’m always getting an empty array. GitHub says that the webhook was sent successfully and no matter how many times I redeliver it, I receive nothing.
I found this question in Stack Overflow asking basically the same question but for Java. Unfortunately I don’t know enough Java to translate the answer. I have also seen several tools to handle GitHub webhooks but none assumes use with WordPress.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.