In my WordPress blog I included a javascript-based slideshow at the top which works well. I have a PHP file which outputs the necessary javascript that has to go in the <head> tag by means of an “add_action” in my child theme’s functions.php file:

function add_slideshow_js() {
echo $js_output;
add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_slideshow_js' );

The javascript that this PHP outputs includes a call to the controlling javascript file:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

… followed by the javascript that makes the page’s slideshow.

It all works very well, looks great. The thing is, it’s dependent on jquery, but it was working fine, so I wondered how jquery was actually being included.

I tuned off all my plugins and it stopped working. So obviously one of them was including jquery and allowing it to work.

But I thought I’d like to make sure that jquery will be included, without relying on a plugin, since I might delete the vital plugin at some point in the future, and of course I’d still want the slideshow to work.

So, with all plugins disabled, I thought I’d include jquery explicitly myself, by writing this function in my child theme’s functions.php file:

function insert_jquery(){

Now, that does include jquery, but it’s called in the footer, and by experimenting I find that the slideshow will only work if jquery is called inside the <head> tag.

I could write a function to call my own jquery file, but I get the impression that it’s best to use the jquery included with WordPress, and in any case, I thought that re-enabling the plugins would then get jquery called twice.

So what function can I write in my child theme’s functions.php file that will reliably get the WordPress jquery loaded in the <head> section of the page?

Hope this all makes sense.

4 s

By default if you enqueue jquery then it gets added in header but if any plugin is changing the default behavior of it and adding it in footer instead of header then you can use the following code to alter it and force it to add in header again.

function insert_jquery(){
wp_enqueue_script('jquery', false, array(), false, false);

For more information on wp_enqueue_script() function visit this page.


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