For a particular project, I’m currently using only wp’s admin and core functions/sugars, so no themes. Still, I’m forced to choose a theme.
I would like a couple of things:
move theme’s functions.php (that currently contains only custom code by me) in /wp-contents, outside the themes and make WP still load it
force WP not to look for themes, so I can succefully delete the themes folder without getting an error in wp-admin
Is this possible? What’s the best way (without hacking the core)?
Point 2 is less crucial, since I can always hide the admin’s themes button. Point 1 is important.
For point 1, maybe I could load functions at the end of wp-config.php, or maybe (still in wp-config) I could hook at ‘init’ or ‘setup_theme’. Or maybe something else.. I’d like to know the best practice here.
thank you