My component has styles that depend on current datetime. In my component I’ve got the following function.

  private fontColor( dto : Dto ) : string {
    // date d'exécution du dto
    let dtoDate : Date = new Date( dto.LastExecution );


    let color =  "hsl( " + hue + ", 80%, " + (maxLigness - lightnessAmp) + "%)";

    return color;

lightnessAmp is calculated from the current datetime. The color changes if dtoDate is in the last 24 hours.

The exact error is the following:

Expression has changed after it was checked. Previous value: ‘hsl( 123, 80%, 49%)’. Current value: ‘hsl( 123, 80%, 48%)’

I know the exception appear in development mode only at the moment the value is checked. If the checked value is different of the updated value, the exception is thrown.

So I tried to update the current datetime at each lifecycle in the following hook method to prevent the exception:

    console.log( "! changement de la date du composant !" );
    this.dateNow = new Date();

…but without success.

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