I want to display post categories in theme settings, and I successfully did that using this code:

<?php /* Get the list of categories */ 
            $categories = get_categories();
            foreach ( $categories as $category) :
            $selected = ''; 
<option <?php echo $option ?> value="<?php echo $category->cat_ID; ?>">
<?php echo $category->cat_name; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Everything is working fine and I’m able to call the option.

What is missing is that after I select a category, then I save the settings the category is not marked as selected within the drop down box. Yet the selected category is saved in the database.

I’m using acera theme options, and I edited the select type to create a select category option.

here is the code I started with:

<select name="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>" id="<?php echo $value['id']; ?>">
                        if (get_option($value['id']))
                            $default = get_option($value['id']);
                            $default = $value['default'];

                        foreach ($value['options'] as $option):
                            $selected = '';
                            if ($option == $default)
                                $selected = ' selected="selected"';
                            <option <?php echo $selected; ?>><?php echo $option ?>

                        <?php endforeach; ?>


So from this one I want to display the categories (I did this and the options are working in front end) and also to set the selected one as selected. (This is missing)


2 Answers

What you are looking for is the selected() function.

Your updated option should look like this:

    value="<?php echo $category->cat_ID; ?>"
    <?php selected($option, $category->cat_ID); ?>>
    <?php echo $category->cat_name; ?>

Oh, and BTW, in your particular case you might want to use the wp_dropdown_categories function, I guess.

That would be:

        'selected' => $option
        // maybe some other settings

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