How to move wp-content (or uploads) outside of the WordPress directory

I am trying to move the wp-content directory outside of the wordpress directory and hitting all kinds of weird problems. Even though says you can do this, it seems that the directory structure is deeply wired into the WP code. For example, I get error messages like:

PHP message: PHP Warning:  file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/srv/wp.content/themes) is not within the allowed path(s): (/srv/wordpress/:/tmp) 
in /srv/wordpress/wp-includes/theme.php on line 369

All I need to do is to move the uploads directory outside of the main hierarchy. I tried to symlink it as well but then I am getting permission errors.

Did anybody manage to successfully have the wp-content directory, or at least, uploads directory outside of the root directory?

2 s

You have to define WP_CONTENT_DIR and WP_CONTENT_URL:

const WP_CONTENT_DIR = '/path/to/new/directory';
const WP_CONTENT_URL = 'http://content.wp';

The new path must be accessible for read and write operation from the WordPress core directory. You might need a helper function to add the new directory path to the open_basedir list:

 * Add a new directory to the 'open_basedir' list.
 * @link
 * @param  string $new_dir
 * @return void
function extend_base_dir( $new_dir )
    $separator=":"; // all systems, except Win

    if ( 'WIN' === strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) )

    $dirs = explode( $separator, ini_get( 'open_basedir' ) );

    $found = array_search( $new_dir, $dirs );

    // Already accessible
    if ( FALSE !== $found )

    $dirs[] = $new_dir;

    ini_set( 'open_basedir', join( $separator, $dirs ) );

Now call it like this:

extend_base_dir( WP_CONTENT_DIR );

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