I have a directory called “notes” within the notes I have categories which are named “science”, “maths” … within those folder are sub-categories, such as “Quantum Mechanics”, “Linear Algebra”.
./notes --> ./notes/maths ------> ./notes/maths/linear_algebra --> ./notes/physics/ ------> ./notes/physics/quantum_mechanics
My problem is that I don’t know how to put the categories and subcategories into TWO SEPARATE list/array.
You could utilize os.walk
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('notes'):
print(root, dirs, files)
Naive two level traversing:
import os
from os.path import isdir, join
def cats_and_subs(root='notes'):
Collect categories and subcategories.
categories = filter(lambda d: isdir(join(root, d)), os.listdir(root))
sub_categories = []
for c in categories:
sub_categories += filter(lambda d: isdir(join(root, c, d)),
os.listdir(join(root, c)))
# categories and sub_categories are arrays,
# categories would hold stuff like 'science', 'maths'
# sub_categories would contain 'Quantum Mechanics', 'Linear Algebra', ...
return (categories, sub_categories)
if __name__ == '__main__':