In our plugin development we use Composer to install e.g. Symfony\Process
that we later use in the code. The big question is how do we make sure that this dependency is not in a conflict with some other plugin also using Symfony\Process
in another version.
Now I know this is mostly an inherent PHP issue but still, we’d like to offer our users a solution that at least warns them when such conflict happens (instead of failing hard). One approach, for example, would be to scan the plugins directory for vendor
folders and try to figure out whether an incompatible versions are used in some other plugin. I know this far (like really, really far) from perfect but I’m just trying to give an example.
How do you guys deal with this? I know Composer is probably not mainstream amongst plugin developers yet but we all will have this problem sooner or later so I’m wondering if anyone has figured out some sort of strategy for it.