I have 3 posts types, articles
, news
and tips
. On the home page I want to query 20 posts in this order:
article, article, news, news, tip, ...// same order again until 20
If I use a custom query like so:
$query = new WP_Query(array(
'post_type' => array('articles', 'news', 'tips'),
'posts_per_page' => 20,
I get 20 items but how to order them? Would it be possible to make 3 different queries and then merge the results?
You definitely could use three different queries and then merge them.
// Query 7 items per Custom Post Type.
// A, A, N, N, T, T will result in 8 x A, 6 x N and 6 x T.
$atricles = new WP_Query( 'post_type=article&posts_per_page=8' ); // A
$news = new WP_Query( 'post_type=news&posts_per_page=6' ); // N
$tips = new WP_Query( 'post_type=tips&posts_per_page=6' ); // T
// Assign new array keys to the queried posts
$stp = 0; $key = 0; $arr = array();
foreach ( $articles->posts as $post_obj ) { $key++; $arr[$stp + $key] = $post_obj; if ( $key === 2 ) { $stp += 6; $key = 0; } }
$articles->posts = $arr;
$stp = 2; $key = 0; $arr = array();
foreach ( $news->posts as $post_obj ) { $key++; $arr[$stp + $key] = $post_obj; if ( $key === 2 ) { $stp += 6; $key = 0; } }
$news->posts = $arr;
$stp = 4; $key = 0; $arr = array();
foreach ( $tips->posts as $post_obj ) { $key++; $arr[$stp + $key] = $post_obj; if ( $key === 2 ) { $stp += 6; $key = 0; } }
$tips->posts = $arr;
// Modify one object to contain all Posts
// Use the + array union operator to preserve the array keys
$articles->posts = $articles->posts + $news->posts + $tips->posts;
// Sort the array by keys.
ksort( $articles->posts );
// Don't forget to "reset" the post_count variable in the modified object.
// This way you will have 20 posts instead of the queried 8 (in this case).
$articles->post_count += $news->post_count;
$articles->post_count += $tips->post_count;
// Use the modified result object for the loop
while ( $articles->has_posts() ):
// Do your stuff with it :-)
This may look like a very odd way to do this, but this way you can use the loop and preserve the option to use pagination. Although a direct query to the database can be quicker I guess.