My future posts are getting “missed”. They are not getting published on the time they should, and it says “Missed Schedule”.
I read somewhere that it could be a server issue, so how can I fix it?
My future posts are getting “missed”. They are not getting published on the time they should, and it says “Missed Schedule”.
I read somewhere that it could be a server issue, so how can I fix it?
Added the following to my theme’s functions.php:
define('WPMS_DELAY', 5); // Run the below cron task every X minutes
define('WPMS_OPTION', 'wp_missed_schedule');
function wpms_replacements_deactivate() {
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'wpms_replacements_deactivate');
// Run the following code on every request
function wpms_init() {
remove_action('publish_future_post', 'check_and_publish_future_post');
$last = get_option(WPMS_OPTION, false);
// Exit here if less than WPMS_DELAY minutes has passed since we last ran
if (($last !== false) && ($last > (time() - (WPMS_DELAY * 60))))
// Find all posts whose scheduled time has passed and publish them
update_option(WPMS_OPTION, time());
global $wpdb;
$scheduledIDs = $wpdb->get_col("
SELECT `ID` FROM `{$wpdb->posts}`
((`post_date` > 0) && (`post_date` <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()))
OR ((`post_date_gmt` > 0) && (`post_date_gmt` <= UTC_TIMESTAMP()))
AND `post_status` = 'future'
LIMIT 0, 10
if (!count($scheduledIDs))
foreach ($scheduledIDs as $scheduledID) {
if (!$scheduledID) continue;
add_action('init', 'wpms_init', 0)