How to restricted a page in wordpress. For example : user [without login] can see 5 of game list. []
and after click ‘view more’, user must login/register and after that, user can access full/100 game list. []

Anyone know to make it without plugin? thank you

3 Answers

You can do this pretty easily with a shortcode. Hook into init and add the shortcode in your hooked function.

add_action('init', 'wpse57819_add_shortcode');
 * Adds the shortcode
 * @uses add_shortcode
 * @return null
function wpse57819_add_shortcode()
    add_shortcode('restricted', 'wpse57819_shortcode_cb');

Then in your callback function, you can check to see if the user is logged in. If they are, show them the content. If not, show them a login message. You can do literally whatever you want here: check for user capabilities to show them the content (different “membership levels”), show them an entire login form. A simple example:

 * Callback function for the shortcode.  Checks if a user is logged in.  If they
 * are, display the content.  If not, show them a link to the login form.
 * @return string
function wpse57819_shortcode_cb($args, $content=null)
    // if the user is logged in just show them the content.  You could check
    // rolls and capabilities here if you wanted as well
        return $content;

    // If we're here, they aren't logged in, show them a message
    $defaults = array(
        // message show to non-logged in users
        'msg'    => __('You must login to see this content.', 'wpse57819'),
        // Login page link
        'link'   => site_url('wp-login.php'),
        // login link anchor text
        'anchor' => __('Login.', 'wpse57819')
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);

    $msg = sprintf(
        '<aside class="login-warning">%s <a href="">%s</a></aside>',

    return $msg;

As a plugin.


Somewhere in your pages/posts:

Content for members only goes here

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