I’m making a blog where only on specific pages I want to show different sidebar, I will add some widgets to those sidebar, which I don’t want to show in default sidebar.

I’ve found a coding method to do this, but I would like to use a plugin, and not edit code myself.

I need to give the control of adding/removing sidebar/widgets in client hands.

So is there any plug-in to do this easily?

5 Answers

A client of mine recently used a plug-in similar to Widget Context to accomplish this.

Rather than create different sidebars you just define what contexts you want your widgets to show up in. So if you have a set of widgets you want to show up on a specific page, you mark them to only show up on that page. But it allows you to continue using widgets that show up on every page/post if you want.

The convenience of this plug-in is that you don’t have to code anything, and it’s got a fairly intuitive UI you can put in the hands of your own clients.

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