I want to load head js first and then all enqueued scripts into it’s function. Like so…

<script src="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/7621/>/js/head.load.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
head.js("/path/to/jquery.js", "/google/analytics.js", "/js/site.js", function() {

   // all done


How would I do this?

For those that don’t know HeadJS is the 2.30KB script that speeds up, simplifies and modernizes your site…


4 s

You should be forewarned that not all plugins/themes use enqueue. When I first started dealing with all the JavaScripts and CSS files outputed I just hooked into the enqueued files. This resulted in me only getting 2 out of 10 JavaScript files and 1 out of 3 CSS files.

Here is some quick PoCs. Neither tested but meant to put you in the right direction, if you can code. Once I get home I’ll whack together something more fitting and functional.

function head_files(){

    global $wp_scripts, $auto_compress_scripts;

    print 'print out head.js';  

    $queue = $wp_scripts->queue;
        $to_do = $wp_scripts->to_do;
    $headArray = array();
        foreach ($to_do as $key => $handle) {
            $src = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src;
        $headArray[] = $src;

    print 'print out head.js("'.implode("'",$headArray.'")';

(Basically swiped most of the code from JS & CSS Script Optimizer)

add_filter('wpsupercache_buffer', 'head_files' );
function head_files($buffer){
    if ( $fileType == "js" ){
            $headArray = $matches[2];

    print 'print out head.js';  

    print 'print out head.js("'.implode("'",$headArray.'")';
    return $buffer;

Using WP Super Cache output buffering.

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