How to use same email for multiple users

I have a very big multisite. And I got a request to enable option that multiple users can use the same email. I found a plugin “Allow Multiple Accounts” which doesn’t work properly. I should figure out some other solution for that. I know that I could use something like adding +sometext to every email, so it will show different to WordPress. Do you have some other solution, that can be done here?


You can use wpmu_validate_user_signup filter to remove the error and then define WP_IMPORTING just to skip the email_exist() check in wp_insert_user() function:

add_filter('wpmu_validate_user_signup', 'skip_email_exist');
function skip_email_exist($result){
    if(isset($result['errors']->errors['user_email']) && ($key = array_search(__('Sorry, that email address is already used!'), $result['errors']->errors['user_email'])) !== false) {
        if (empty($result['errors']->errors['user_email'])) unset($result['errors']->errors['user_email']);
    return $result;

UPDATE: for a non Multi-site setup try this code:

add_filter('pre_user_email', 'skip_email_exist');
function skip_email_exist($user_email){
    return $user_email;

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