I am trying to trigger an action in functions.php with the do_action() function, but I appear to need an attribute.

The following

do_action( 'really_simple_share button="facebook_like"');

does not work…

Can you tell me the proper way to make it work (I have tried many other things that did not work either).

2 s

The correct way is to pass first argument as a unique string which acts as an identifier for the action & any additional arguments after that

do_action('unique_action_tag', $parameter1, $parameter2,,,, & so on);

To attach functions to this action you’ll do

// 10 is the priority, higher means executed first
// 2 is number of arguments the function can accept
add_action('unique_action_tag', 'my_custom_function', 10, 2)
function my_custom_function($param1, $param2) {
    // do something

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