I am trying to achieve something along the lines of a for-each, where I would like to take the Ids of a returned select statement and use each of them.
DECLARE @i int
DECLARE @PractitionerId int
DECLARE @numrows int
DECLARE @Practitioner TABLE (
idx smallint Primary Key IDENTITY(1,1)
, PractitionerId int
INSERT @Practitioner
SELECT distinct PractitionerId FROM Practitioner
SET @i = 1
SET @numrows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Practitioner)
IF @numrows > 0
WHILE (@i <= (SELECT MAX(idx) FROM Practitioner))
SET @PractitionerId = (SELECT PractitionerId FROM @Practitioner WHERE idx = @i)
--Do something with Id here
PRINT @PractitionerId
SET @i = @i + 1
At the moment I have something that looks like the above, but am getting the error:
Invalid column name ‘idx’.