I’m using the following if statements within header.php to load custom tracking codes.

<?php if ( is_singular( array( 'custom-post-type', 'post-name' ) ) ) : ?>
     // Specific tracking code here
<?php endif ?>

<?php if ( is_singular( array( 'custom-post-type', 'another-post' ) ) ) : ?>
    // Specific tracking code here
<?php endif ?>

When I go to each post, both tracking codes are showing up. Am I doing something wrong here?

2 Answers

You are using an incorrect check here. is_singular() returns true when a post is from the specified post type or post types or the default post types when none is specified. You cannot target specific single posts with is_singular()

You have to use is_single to target a specific post

if ( is_single( 'post-a' ) {
    // Do something for post-a
} elseif ( is_single( 'post-b' ) {
    // Do something for post-b


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