In a WordPress plugin, how do you output HTML code inside the DOM header? [closed]


   <!-- I want to add html code here -->


 function add_html_to_header {
   <b> Hello World </b>

Expected Html results:

<header id="header">
    <b> Hello World </b>

EDIT: Is it possible without using Javascript?

2 Answers

You can add html to the site head using this function:

// Add scripts to wp_head()
function add_head_html() { ?>
    <!-- html goes here -->
    <?php }
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_head_html' );

But if you’re talking about the html element <header> (as it sounds like from your edits) it sounds like overcomplicating things, but you might want to look at injecting it with jquery into the right spot using a solution such as this:

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