WP 4.8.2

We need to increase the per_page limit on responses to a REST API request.
afaik – the limit is 100

There used to be a way to filter that parameter, but it seems this filter hook is no longer working: rest_post_collection_params

Is there any way to increase that limit without hacking the code?

We understand the repercussions of increasing the limit, but we need to exceed the per_page in a single call for use in code that will not be distributed.

2 Answers

The collection params accessed via that filter appear to describe the available query params but are not actually used in the query.

I think what you actually want is the rest_{$this->post_type}_query filter which allows you to modify the args before they are passed to WP_Query::query().

Also keep in mind that on the API request the per_page arg might be set, but internally that is translated to posts_per_page for the actual query args.

Edit: I think I misread the original question…

The rest_{$this->post_type}_collection_params does indeed describe the available params.

You should be able to set the per_page max at $params['per_page']['maximum'].


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