How can I insert the latest articles (blog) on top of the homepage?

I intend with the release of the latest items with image and brief summary of the article.

I made an example (in the attached image) of I intend to do.

I want to have some articles (eg. inside similar box design below).

ps: I’m a beginner, please be patient and simple.


1 Answer

Edit the home page template and add the following code :

<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
    $args = array( 'numberposts' => '1' );
    $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts( $args );
    foreach( $recent_posts as $recent ){
        echo '<li><a href="' . get_permalink($recent["ID"]) . '">' .   $recent["post_title"].'</a> </li> ';

I have used <UL> and <li> to list post…. You can use your own html & css to style.

You can use different wordpress functions, One I have used is get_permalink() to get the post URL, similarly you can use get_the_post_thumbnail() to get the featured image of the post.


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