The first screen of my application is a UITableViewController without a navigation bar, which means that the content flows under the status bar so there’s a lot of text collisions. I’ve adjusted both the properties for Under top bars and Adjust scroll view insets which do actually stop it from scrolling under, but at the cost of keeping the top of the table view under. I’ve attempted to set the UITableView frame to offset by 20 pixels, but it doesn’t appear to take effect and as I currently need the app to be compatible with iOS 6 I can’t jump to iOS 7 Storyboards to force autolayout to use the top height guide. Has anyone found a solution that works for both versions?

Things I’ve tried: setting edgesForExtendedLayout, changing the settings within Storyboard for Under top bars and Adjust scroll view, forcing the frame to a new area.

A picture is worth a thousand words:
Status bar flow under

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