Would it be possible to create a wp user by signin up with Facebook connect? (And through Twitter app, and eventually other major social networks? Facebook is most important, then Twitter, the rest are not so important) – User fills form with one click, eventually is asked in the form to fill a custom display name (otherwise defaults to Facebook user name / Twitter user etc).
I’m a bit confused whether this is achievable or not. Certain plugins seem to allow user publication of comments without registering, but what I really want is to create a normal WP user (also because on my WP site I have a BB Press forum, plus Gravity form modules, so it’s not just a blog, I have a complex CMS setup). Is there an existing plugin (even commercial, not free) that does exactly what I want?
Furthermore, I would like to make this happen on custom registration/login forms, I do not wish to use the default wp-register and wp-login pages at all.
I have tried Simple Facebook connect and Simple Twitter connect, but they do not work on custom login/registration pages and I haven’t figured how to make them work there.
As for Gigya and JainRain I haven’t understood if they actually create a user or just create a login. Can someone clarify?
many thanks