I am able to get the custom REST API fields using meta key values to be formatted like this:
"location": {
"lat": "000001",
"long": "000002"
The works fine when I am trying to retrieve values of the post but when I am trying to add posts using REST API, the location fields doesn’t seem to store anything, when I check my current code gives out an error.
Here is my update function:
register_rest_field( $this->post_types, 'location',
'get_callback' => array( $this, 'get_location_meta' ),
'update_callback' => array( $this, 'update_location_meta' ),
'schema' => null
public function get_location_meta($object, $field_name, $request) {
return array(
'lat' => get_post_meta($object['id'], 'latitude', true),
'long' => get_post_meta($object['id'], 'longitude', true),
public function update_location_post_meta($value, $object, $field_name)
return array(
'lat' => update_post_meta($object->ID, 'latitude', true),
'long' => update_post_meta($object->ID, 'longitude', true),
The custom field key names in WordPress are latitude and longitude.
But now I am not sure what will be the field name I will target to be able to fill in some values for the latitude and longitude metakeys. When I try to send a value to location
using Postman, I am getting an unexpected error.
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.