Let’s say I disabled “DISABLE_WP_CRON” in wp-config.php
Is it OK to run wp-cron.php twice overlapping?
I’ve noticed sometimes wp-cron.php needs several minutes. I’d give it a full hour but the blogger I work with does a lot of scheduling through the day, she’s very busy.
Like say I have it running every 10 mins with a real crontab
*/10 * * * etc.
And it needs a full 15 minutes to do its business. 15 minutes is just a random example here. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for how long it takes.
Can two “instances” of wp-cron.php safely run together? Does the oldest instance die and the new one takes over? From what I can tell from my bash script that runs wp-cron.php, the first instance fails when the new instance starts.
Example: cron kicks off wp-cron.php at 11:01pm.
php /home/www-data/example.com/wp-cron.php && echo "wp-cron.php done" | mailx pj@example.com
11:21pm wp-cron.php starts again (*/20) and I still haven’t got my “done” email. But this time I get the “done” email 17 seconds after the subsequent wp-cron.php ran.
(Not sure if wp-cron.php failed on its own or if wp-cron.php killed itself after running 2x.)
So I’m wondering: Is data lost from the first instance? The abrupt failure of a process that was running for 10 minutes seems “bad” to me. At this point, I’m tempted to stop using crontab and go back to the wp-config default behavior because this is way more trouble than I bargained for.
This doesn’t sound very reassuring either:
How is WP Cron Locking implemented?
What if the “transient” is not deleted before the first process dies? Are the unfinished tasks forever unfinished then? And what is a transient? I assume it’s some kind of flag.
I’m having major problems with this today. Server got slow, triggered some timeouts which I assume caused wp-cron.php to fail, resulted in double postings, scheduled posts not posting, what a nightmare!
Update: Attempting to call wp-cron.php from the operating system with crontab was a huge waste of time for me and the client. On my end, wp-cron.php seemed to execute fine, used memory and CPU time for various durations, but the scheduled posts never posted according to my client. It would be nice if there was a “verbose” mode to indicate what it’s actually doing. I ran out of time to investigate this and went down another route. I just worked on improving the speed of the server which somehow fixed the problem. (My guess is, some timeout was reached because the server was overloaded.) I was hoping I could just get a crontab working quickly before I worked on upgrading the server. But the more I looked at wp-cron.php, the more I distrusted it. Failed scheduling, double posts, conflicting advice how it should be executed. So that’s why I came here. I have a similar script for one of my own websites that runs hourly–it’s not designed to overlap itself but it’s fairly safe if it does, within reasonable parameters. Then again, I know what’s reasonable to me. I don’t know what’s reasonable to the author of wp-cron.php.
So this was a distraction and a dead-end for me. I changed wp-config.php back to the default (deleted DISABLE_WP_CRON) and let WordPress deal with wp-cron.php. Now with a faster server, WordPress schedules posts again just fine. Always safer to stick to defaults.
More details of the story here: