I’m wondering if there is any way to use get_template_part() with folders? My main folder has a lot of files now because I put every re-usable element in a separate file. I’d like to put them in folders then.

There is no information about that in Codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_template_part


In fact you can, I have a folder in my theme directory called /partials/ in in that folder I have files such as latest-articles.php, latest-news.php and latest-statements.php and I load these files using get_template_part() like:

get_template_part('partials/latest', 'news');

get_template_part('partials/latest', 'articles');

get_template_part('partials/latest', 'statements');

Just dont forget to omit the .php from the file name.

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