I cannot find documentation or discussions on what is and how to use Drop-in plugins.
The question was raised in this Q&A, Populate content on install.
Is a wp-content/install.php
file that redefines the pluggable function wp_install_defaults
a Drop-in plugin or not?
My research results
The following list is from hakre’s article (which seems to be the origin of all other copies in the interwebs).
File Type of Plugin Loaded Context
advanced-cache.php Advanced caching plugin. on WP_CACHE value Single
db.php Custom database class always Single
db-error.php Custom database error message on error Single
install.php Custom install script on install Single
maintenance.php Custom maintenance message on maintenance Single
object-cache.php External object cache always Single
sunrise.php Executed before Multisite is loaded on SUNRISE value Multi
blog-deleted.php Custom blog deleted message on deleted blog Multi
blog-inactive.php Custom blog inactive message on inactive blog Multi
blog-suspended.php Custom blog suspended message on archived or spammed blog Multi
Source: Data taken from global function _get_dropins() in wp-admin/includes/plugin.php.
In the Codex a Drop-in is defined as:
The concrete PHP-file
At first, there’s nothing on [wp-hackers] list. And searching for “drop-in + wordcamp” I’ve only found this of relevance my emphasis:
One of the great strengths of WordPress is its plugin system. In the upcoming 2.1 release, there is very little you can’t do as a drop-in plugin. This makes it easy to use WordPress as a CMS and keep your customizations separate from the main codeline; which in turn simplifies upgrades and maintenance.