Semi-new to WordPress, so apologies is this is an obvious question!

I’m trying to execute some JavaScript on a WordPress site, but only on the child pages of a specific parent page – so, I have, and I want the script to run on,,, and so forth. I don’t want it to run on

I know that I could just add in the script on each individual page, but I have other people editing the site who may add new book child pages, and they will not feel comfortable adding in Javascript.

Any solutions?

2 Answers

You don’t quite cover how far you got and if you are familiar with basic of WP enqueue process.

Focusing on parent part I the basic code would go like this:

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function () {

    if ( is_page() && in_array( $book_page_id, get_post_ancestors( get_the_id() ) ) ) {

        // enqueue stuff
} );

In your examples you only have one level and might have worked to just check post_parent of current post, but checking for ancestors is more thorough for more nested cases.

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