I’m developing a plugin which uses wordpress’s thickbox media library to handle media upload and selection. All is well but for the fact that I would like to automatically ‘redirect’ to the ‘media library’-tab after I uploaded/ wordpress finished crunching the file.

So basically i’m looking for a hook that’s fired after the crunching of an uploaded file is finished.

I can’t imagine this would be such an extreme thing but I can’t seem to find the right hook for this.

2 s

it’s a longshot but,

add_attachment hook, actually fires after the first file finished uploading:


i’m using it to load a custom interface for resizing a Image loading in the current TB window:

    jQuery("#TB_iframeContent",window.parent.document).attr('src',"<?php echo get_window_url($id) ?>");

the main problem is that it will break multiple file uploads

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